The issue of cannabis use during labor or pregnancy is still controversial among women, cannabis advocates, and scientists. Today you can find a lot of literature published by scientists, but the information is quite contradictory. The question of whether it is safe to consume cannabis during pregnancy is one of the most controversial in this industry, especially now when this plant is becoming more popular and socially acceptable. Cannabis consumption is continuously growing with its legalization.
However, we have evidence that heavy cannabis use during pregnancy may cause a reduction in the baby's birth weight and increase the chance of pre-eclampsia. However, it might also depend on the method of consumption and many other factors.
There are a lot of controversies, and many scientists warn about the risks of cannabis use during pregnancy. At the same time, some other arguments state the opposite.
Another discussable issue is cannabis use during labor. It is said to improve the experience, reduce pain, and offer a fresh view of a situation. We are going to deliver all the details about these issues.
Is it safe to consume cannabis during pregnancy?
Doctors are against using cannabis during pregnancy, but they are still some people that believe it is normal. They believe that if marijuana is legal in some states for medical use, it is safe to buy and use, for example, the LA Kush Cake Weed strain during pregnancy.
Other people might believe the key point is the way you consume cannabis. They think that smoking weed is dangerous, but other forms, like edible ones, won't harm the baby. These forms of cannabis aren't so harmful as smoking, but they are not safe to use. They contain THC and other compounds that might harm a fetus.
However, research shows that using any form of marijuana might affect infant growth and development, according to CDC (Centers for Disease Control). Indeed, many experts are sure that there is no safe level of consumption because the chemicals in cannabis might have lasting effects.
The marijuana plant contains a cannabinoid called THC that has psychoactive properties and makes you feel high. Marijuana is illegal under federal law and is legal for medical use in a few states in the US. In some countries, it is also legal for recreational use. Marijuana might be used to treat pain, anxiety, nausea, and muscle spasms.
Possible negative effects of Marijuana use during pregnancy
There are some side effects of cannabis use during pregnancy. Some of them are:
- Low birth weight. A meta-analysis of 24 studies with pregnant individuals has shown that there is a connection between low birth weight and marijuana use. Low birth weight is connected with low oxygen levels, problems with maintaining body temperature, and problems with breathing. Another fact that scientists discovered is that if a mother consumed cannabis, babies were more likely to stay in neonatal intensive care than babies whose mothers hadn't used the drug. There is another study from 2017 that found a link between low birth weight, especially if women smoked marijuana and cigarettes.
- It is a situation when a baby dies in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy. There is a study from 2013 that states that women who used marijuana faced stillbirth 2,3 times oftener. However, it is complicated to understand whether marijuana or cigarettes is the cause because people often use both of them.
- Increased risk of Anencephaly. Babies who suffer this illness don't have significant parts of the brain and scalp. Usually, they don't live for long after birth. If a woman consumes marijuana in the first month of pregnancy, the infant is at increased risk.
Cannabis and pregnancy summary
Today, we can't do a study because of many ethical issues. We can't just ask a group of pregnant women to consume cannabis. If there were any problems or negative consequences, the scientists would be the ones to blame. So all the studies are based on reports of women who used marijuana while pregnant. We need more information to be sure about the effects of cannabis on pregnant women.
Cannabis during labor
While giving birth to a baby, some women find marijuana can cause anxiety, and even paranoia, while others report they feel relaxed and open.
It is believed that cannabis can be used to manage pain during labor and help the mother to overcome this painful process. Pain management is one of the benefits that marijuana can bring young mothers. Cannabis might help a woman not overthink the process and go through it.
Today doctors never use cannabis as pain medication, and women make decisions on their own. They might treat themselves to pills, bath bombs, tinctures, etc. However, we still need to know more about the impact of CBD and THC on our bodies.