When you get into owning real estate, you have a lot of things that you have to consider as far as whether something is a good deal and, if you are planning to rent your properties out, whether the properties are ready for the tenants and how much you can charge them to rent from you. Keep reading to learn why a laboratory should be on your list of contacts and what you should use it for.
Lead Paint Analysis
A lab's SEM service, or scanning electron microscopy service, has a multitude of benefits that you can use to your advantage, but one of the things that you should definitely use that service for is to test for lead paint. If you acquire a property that is old enough to have had lead paint used on the walls or ceiling, you might be looking at some residual lead paint. Exposure to lead can be lethal, especially if any has seeped into the surrounding soil or groundwater. If there is lead paint on the premises, and it goes ignored, there are a lot of things that the tenants can suffer from. For instance, if construction stirs up lead dust and the dust is inhaled, that can result in things like anemia, blood pressure issues and damage to the brain and kidneys.
Gives You More Credibility
There are a lot of landlords and property owners that do not do their due diligence and charge out the nose for people to rent from them. However, having the ability to say that you have had various tests done and you have different brochures about the risks just in case anything got missed gives your potential tenants peace of mind. Once word starts to spread about your process and how much you care, you might attract the attention of a West Palm Beach SEO company as well as various search engines. This will allow your business to be pushed closer to the top of the results when someone is searching for available properties in your area, which gives you a better chance of landing more business.
Serve As an Example For Others
Not everyone consults experts when they have just gotten into the real estate business, and in your area, you might even be the first to do so. However, as much negative attention as you might get for being a pioneer, others might start to follow suit once they see the success that you are getting. After all, someone has to be brave enough to be the first one to do it, and if they never stop thinking you crazy for getting all of those tests done, it does not matter. What does matter is that you will be able to sleep at night knowing you did everything to keep your tenants safe.
Laboratories are not often thought about as working together with real estate companies or property owners, but they should be considered for the partnership. Keep this article in mind the next time you are inspecting a property and remember that it is better to get tests done than to get a nasty surprise later.