Skincare has been one of the main obsessions of beauty gurus for as long as they’ve existed, but with the slow fadeout of heavy makeup usage as the norm, the more natural approach to style has created entirely new industries revolving around keeping faces looking fresh. This is quite universal too, with men, women, and nonbinary folks all hopping on the skincare and pore-protection train but don't worry about it because you have
This couldn’t be more of a wonderful thing, with people taking a strong approach to protecting their skin in ways that simply were not as well-considered in the past. However, with this abundance of new options available on the market has, in turn, come a new layer of confusion for those that don’t know how to proceed with getting the skincare results they so desire.
Today, we’re going to focus on helping people figure out their skin brightening setup, to ensure that you have all the tools you could hope for at your disposal in the fight against complexion complexities. So, let’s take a look at a few ways to get your skin that natural, healthy shine.
Skin Brightening Serums
One of the most popular new additions to the mainstream skincare lexicon is brightening serums. That’s not to say that the serums themselves are new, but they have seen a massive explosion in awareness and use over the past decade, leading to a considerable amount of variety in brands, quality, and price points. That said, even if you’re well aware of brightening serums, you may not be as well versed in how or why they work.
Traditionally made from naturally-derived vitamins and ingredients, including anything from licorice to vitamin C, brightening serums work by slowing or preventing the production of additional melanin in the skin, leading to a lighter, more even complexion. Whilst brightening serums are not the only means of doing this, nor the fastest, they are by far the safest in both the short and long term, with very few potential side effects compared to other, more drastic methods of skin brightening.
Simple, easy, and effective; skin brightening serums are a wonderful way to get that glowing complexion many of us long for. However, they are by no means the only way to do so, and brightening serums will often be far more effective when paired with other actions too.
Cleansing With Care
Your daily cleanser should be an essential part of your routine if you’re hoping to keep your skin glamorous and glowing. The skin builds up a lot of oils, dirt and environmental airborne impurities over the course of the day, and if you want to keep your skin looking fantastic, it’s important that you keep your skin regularly cleansed. With that said, it’s important to ensure that your specific chosen cleanser is safe for regular use. There will be some cleansers that are meant to be more intense and could cause issues if used day and night, so pay attention to your choice of product and plan your schedule accordingly.
Personally, I love my cleansers to be rice-based. Rice water is fantastically enriching and moisturising, and I’ve had excellent results using rice and rice-based solutions in my skincare routine for years. So, try things out, and see what specific cleansing option works for you.
Stay Exfoliated
As with our adoration for cleansers, regular exfoliation is an underappreciated necessity in the fight for stunning skin. Removing dead skin and showing the new, healthy skin beneath is what having a glowing complexion is all about, and having a good exfoliating schedule throughout the week is essential to that upkeep.
For exfoliation, there are multiple different options each with its own benefits, including exfoliating scrubs, chemical skin peels, and even exfoliants that are specifically designed for skin brightening. With that said, make sure you’re not exceeding the recommended number of exfoliations for your particular product, for while a scrub might be helpful when used 2-3 times in a week, the same cannot be said for more intense chemical peel options.
Remember to always use good sunscreen after exfoliating to protect the newly revealed skin from UV damage.
Moisturise Regularly
Once you’ve revealed any new skin, it’s vital that you do what you can to keep it healthy. A daily moisturiser is essentially a given at this point in time, but for those that are exfoliating and cleansing regularly, it’s an integral part of your skin health process. It locks in moisture and keeps your skin from drying out and burning, whilst also reducing the visibility of wrinkles that appear more starkly on dry or cracked skin.
Skincare can be a process of working out your preferences and what’s right for your skin. However, it’s worth it, and your future self is sure to thank you for the work you put in now. So, good luck, and be sure to take as many selfies as possible.