CBD stands for Cannabidiol which is drawn from a cannabis plant called hemp. CBD is commonly mistaken for marijuana but they aren’t the same. CBD doesn't contain drugs that alter the state of mind or induce euphoric experiences when ingested, which is why it's safe to give to kids.
Should you consider giving your kids CBD, here’s a comprehensive guide for your familiarization.
Possible Health Benefits
The main reason for giving your kids CBD is so that they experience health boosts or take alternative medication for varying conditions. CBD is believed to contain compounds that contribute to kids' health, such as;
Healthy Hair
CBD is believed to contain protein compounds that may be beneficial for your child's scalp and hair follicles. Some children suffer from cradle caps and dry, flaky scalps, which hinder healthy hair growth. When they scratch their scalps, they sometimes develop scabs and wounds, which are painful and may cause inflammation. CBD is believed to contain anti-inflammatory compounds, meaning the scalp gets soothed when gently massaged. With that said, always be mindful of the CBD dose for children.
Skin Health
The anti-inflammatory compounds in CBD may help children's skin conditions. Eczema and heat rash are some of the common skin conditions in children. Applying CBD onto the affected areas of the skin may help hydrate the skin, providing comfort.
Pain Alleviation
Children fall and bump their heads and experience pain as a result. You can give your child CBD for pain management because of its anti-inflammatory effect. Ensure you're aware of the CBD dose for children to avoid overdosing on them.
Anxiety and Depression Alleviation
If your child has been diagnosed with anxiety or depression, CBD may help provide the relaxation that’s needed when experiencing such conditions. You may find that your child struggles to fall asleep or has night terrors. You can try to give them CBD before they go to sleep for the possible soothing and healing that may help them enjoy sleep.
Consult Your Child's Doctor
Having realized the possible health benefits of CBD, you must consult your doctor before you begin administering CBD to your child. A doctor can advise whether CBD can be taken together with any prescribed medication your child may take. If your child can take CBD, the doctor is in a position to advise the frequency and timing of CBD intake.
Consulting your doctor also means they can observe your child's wellness from the beginning of the CBD administration and throughout the process. If your child isn't responding well to CBD, the doctor may take it out of the prescription before the side effects escalate.
Purchase From A Verified Vendor
Not all CBD vendors are verified, meaning some of the CBD sold is compromised in quality. Organic CBD is safe to give to your children, meaning those which are chemical based or haven't gone through the entire quality production process may risk your child's health as they react. CBD production short-cuts are common because this makes the product cheap meaning the vendors push volumes rather than quality. Some of the ways that you can verify if the vendors of the CBD product are qualified include;
Quality Control Certificate
A quality control certificate shows that the CBD product underwent third-party quality testing. A third party assesses the quality of the product by administering different tests and assessing the production methods of the supplier.
Having determined the quality they provide a certificate to the vendor, which should be visible to any clients wishing to purchase from them. If you're purchasing from an online store, the certificate should be uploaded on the website, or a link may be provided to the quality control certificate.
Physical Store Set Up
Avoid purchasing from unregistered store corners or buildings that aren't designated for selling CBD products. Pharmaceuticals, drug stores, and certified convenience stores sell verified products. You can minimize the risk of ingesting or applying quality compromised CBD products by purchasing from these stores.
Quality CBD products aren't cheap because of the processes involved in purifying the product. If the CBD products a vendor sells appear too cheap, one can only question if the product went through the entire quality process.
Online reviews can give you insight into whether a vendor is trustworthy. You can research the sentiments of particular vendors on different online review platforms. The more positive the experiences, the more likely the vendor is verified and trustworthy. If the reviews lean more towards the negative, you may want to consider purchasing from a different vendor. However, remember that not all online reviews are authentic, and you must use discretion.
Word Of Mouth
Word of mouth is also a way to determine whether a vendor is legit. People's recurring experiences with CBD products may give insight into whether you can purchase from the vendor. If people discourage you from purchasing from a particular vendor, consider taking the advice as they may have had negative experiences.
How To Give Kids CBD
CBD can be used and applied in different ways, and you may want to make it fun for kids. Some of the different ways to administer CBD include:
Apply Lotion
If CBD is used to soothe your kid's skin condition, you can mix a few drops of CBD oil in their lotion. After bathing your child, you can apply the lotion over their body so that they enjoy the possible relief of discomfort and pain.
Oil Drops
Alternatively, you can place a few drops of CBD oil into their bath water. A CBD oil bath may help induce sleep or soak muscles that may be painful.
You can also place a few drops of oil on their tongue as a direct way of taking CBD. You may, however, face some resistance if they don't enjoy the flavor.
Massage Oil
You can apply CBD oil onto your hands and gently massage your child. This may be effective for muscle pain alleviation, as well as alleviation of anxiety and depression symptoms.
Most kids love candy like gummies. Adding CBD to their favorite treats makes the process feel less like medication. You can bake candy and include a few CBD oil drops so the kids enjoy the treats while ingesting CBD. Remember to regulate how many chewable they eat at a time to avoid overdosing on the CBD ingredient.
Add Into Their Meals
You can add a few drops of oil to their meals when you serve their food. This method helps conceal the taste they may dislike in the form of direct drops on the tongue.
CBD Is Not A Substitute For Medication
It's important to note that CBD isn't a substitute for medication. For example, if your child is on medication for anxiety and attends therapy with a licensed child psychologist, CBD is only a possible aide to the process. Medical conditions like these may require consistent observation and guidance for possible healing. Substituting with CBD means that your child misses out on key dynamics required for wellness.
Although CBD is believed to be an anti-inflammatory, pain medication may still be required under doctor's orders. Only cease giving your child the pain medication if the doctor recommends it. Substituting prescribed medication with CBD without medical recommendations may cause more harm to your child than healing.
Observe Your Child
Individuals respond to CBD differently, meaning you must observe your child's responses throughout the process. If your child appears lethargic and vomits excessively after giving them CBD, you must flag this with the medical practitioner. There are different reasons your child may respond to CBD in such a manner, including a compromised CBD product, a reaction with a complementing medication, or just dislike of the product. A medical practitioner may determine the causes of the responses and advise on how to move forward. It may be suggested that you change the product, dosage, and frequency or that you completely stop giving your child CBD.
Trust Your Instincts
When giving your child CBD, your instincts are one of your best guides regarding whether it helps your child's condition. Having researched all the information you can about CBD, the possible health benefits, and side effects, your instincts may further guide you, seeing you’ll go through the journey with your child. Always discuss your insights with your child's doctor, and you can decide on the best possible CBD path for your child.
CBD contains compounds that may be beneficial for your child's health. The correct dosage, frequency, and product may enhance your child's health or alleviate pain. Always consult your doctor before beginning the CBD journey, as they are in a position to guide you accordingly for the best possible results.
You must purchase CBD from verified vendors as not all products are quality. Compromising quality may cause harm to your child. You can also look for criteria such as the quality control certificate to determine whether the vendor is certified.
Find fun ways to include CBD in your child's lifestyle, such as massages and chewable. Remember, CBD isn't a substitute for prescribed medication. Observe your child's responses to CBD, and always trust your instincts. You can keep a journal where you discuss your observations with your child's medical doctor.