TMS therapy is done by a TMS therapist and a doctor; it is an outpatient procedure, so it may be done in a medical clinic. In this therapy, magnetic impulses are passed through the brain of the patient, and that specific part of the brain is the prefrontal cortex. The plus point of this therapy is that if a patient takes this therapy, then unlike other therapies, the patient can go home without any help from a second person. There is no need to stay in the hospital or therapy house.
Some of the famous and common reasons are given below
No side effect
Unlike other therapies (antidepressants and psychotherapy), TMS therapy has no side effects. No stomach issues, no weight gain or loss, no sexual side effects and many more. There is no single effect that can affect your body badly. Even a person can go home or work place without any rest after taking this therapy from tms clinic near me. In addition, this therapy is given without any anesthesia, and no other medicines are given after taking this therapy.
While some medications could be habit-forming, TMS therapy has no type of properties that forms habit or trigger the patient to take this.
TMS fits into daily routine
The second point is that there is no need to take an extra break or leave for the TMS therapy. A person can do all the same activities and work after taking the therapy, which he does in his daily life. These TMS therapies include different phases of treatment, and the number of these phases depends on the severity of the mental disorder.
Generally, this therapy is done for 4 to 6 weeks, with a fixed interval of time. Treatments are given to the patient, and each treatment is done in 30 to 60 minutes, in which magnetic impulses are passed by the doctor or therapist. After taking the treatment, the patient is completely free. He can go to his home or office.
No memory issue
TMS therapies don't have any negative effect on cognition or memory, unlike ECT or shock therapy which could cause memory issues. On the other hand, TMS therapy helps the patient to improve his memory power by passing magnetic impulses through the prefrontal cortex (a part of the mind that controls the mood and nature of the human being).